domingo, 25 de maio de 2014


there are some words that you might not understand from my posts so here is some help with their meanings:

OEM: Original Equipment Manufacter

SOC: System on Chip

PSU: Power Suply

iOS: iPhone/iPad/iPod Operating System

CPU: Central processing unit

GPU: Graphichs processing unit

RAM : Random Acsess Memory

OIS: Optical image Stabilization

Untethered: without wires


I also do Tech videos on youtube.Subscribe on:

Also you can follow me on twitter @VBreitenfeld

sábado, 24 de maio de 2014

iPhone 6 rumors

Is that time of the year again when everybody wants to know all about the brand new iPhone before its unveiled.

So let me tell you whats known about the 6th(9th if you count) iteration of the iPhone.

-4.7 inch retina display with 1704x 960
-8 or above megapixel iSight camera
-side mounted power button
-iOS 8
-6mm thick
-bigger price :P
-some health features when combined with the iWatch

This is it for this small post, promiss the blog will be more active from now on.