First thing: you will need to be jailbroken as I will explain later.
1-Go to Cydia->Manage->Sources->Edit->Add:
2-Then you will add: and
3-Open the BassamKassem source and search for [Ac!D]Siri
4-Install it
5-Reboot Device
6-Open the wordjelly sourcen and install the only thing tahts in it
7-Go To Settings->[Ac!D] (Not the one with the arrows) and writte this in the proxy space :
8-Go to Settings->Wordjelly and press Install certificate (it will say thats not trusted but do that anyway)
9-Go to Settings->Wordjelly and press Reset
10-Reboot Device
11-Go to Settings->General->Siri->Activate Siri
9-Have Fun!!!!
NOTES: somethimes it will not response but try again immediately
It Will occupy 2GB of space
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